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Dave’s blog

“Be Scrappy!” say Empact Bar and Teakoe Tea Founders

Dave’s Post-Interview Analysis

My objective in this interview was to cover two things… first, what makes a food entrepreneur successful, vs. the many who don’t succeed, encouraged by friends who said, “wow, that (food product) is awesome – you should sell it!”  Second, how one goes from creating an initial food product, to one that can be mass produced, then distributed and sold via channels beyond booths at farmers markets.  Both Pete and Melonie, energized by the tea and bars they make, share those stories!

Guest Comments

“What Dave does for small business owners, providing a platform for them to tell their story, is at the heart of what starting a business in Colorado is all about. Making meaningful connections and supporting others truly inspires us to achieve greatness.”  Pete Jokisch – Teakoe

“I had a blast with Dave on Pro Business Colorado. He asked thoughtful questions and had really done his homework on his guests.”  Melonie DeRose – Empact Bars

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