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PIN Business Network – Data Drives Remarkable Sales

January 03, 2018

“If our partner doesn’t eat, we don’t eat… we see success through the client’s eyes.” 

“I run from people who haven’t failed.”

Joe Oltmann, CEO, PIN Business Network

Collecting and using data for business intelligence that yields sales – today’s “holy grail” of marketing.  Listen to my interview with Joe Oltmann for two reasons.  First, to hear examples of how companies are using data to reach customers likely to have strong interest, even INTENT, to purchase, and second, we explore why now when it is in vogue to lead with a company’s WHY message, PIN is successfully differentiating by leading with its HOW message.  PIN goes so far as to educate EVERYONE in the company in the technical aspects of what it does. Very thought-provoking, and something you’ll want to consider.

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