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Dave’s blog

Jerry McGuire’s 4 Secrets to Differentiating – Part 3 – Help Me Help You!

The classic movie Jerry McGuire got me thinking about selling a service and I’m writing a 4-part blog post about it.

B2B service companies buy ads, sponsor events, network in chosen sectors, and develop their own programming to bring clients together.  B2C companies buy ads and promote with their websites.  These are all logical tactics – and they are what everyone does.  Differentiating is the key to selling a service, and I think Jerry McGuire demonstrates how to break away and succeed at differentiating.  Here are the 4 Secrets:

#1 “It’s a Mission Statement.” (see post)

#2 “Show me the money.” (see post)

As Donald Miller says in his famous book, Building a Storybrand, effective marketing and positioning requires that the customer is the hero of their story and the seller is the expert guide.  What do most companies do?  The OPPOSITE: most begin sentences with WE.  We do this, we do that.  We are great because.  Most service companies – companies that should be about the client, make the same mistake of talking about themselves:  “We are big enough to… and small enough to…” or “Our people have a combined ## years of award-winning experience…” or “We are focused on our clients’ goals,” or “We are focused on relationships,” or, “Our people make us different.”

In the famous quote Jerry McGuire was emphatic about making Rod Tidwell the hero in his story.  That’s what customers want.

Coming up next…

#4 “You had me at hello.”

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