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Dave’s blog

Another Advantage for Colorado: “Zone Skipping”

I just learned something fascinating.  Not the most profound post, but who knew that Colorado has an advantage for fulfilling houses to ship products?  Sure, we know that Colorado is sort of in the middle of the country so maybe companies would want to ship from here to both coasts, but actually, that’s not exactly right.  There’s something I learned during my episode with Irene Scharmack of QuickBox that makes shipping from Colorado to both coasts CHEAPER. It’s called “Zone Skipping.”  Here’s what happens… 

Big freight companies like FedEx and UPS, and others you and I wouldn’t know, charge “by zone” to ship.  From Denver to a coast might require crossing two or three zones and shipping fees would reflect that. To reduce those costs, trucks are loaded late in the day from Denver, some heading west, some east, and travel through the night to bypass one or more zones.  In the morning at a distribution point, packages are sorted and continue on their way. Another fascinating way for Colorado to thrive! 

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