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“If this works, we might be able to solve the biggest health epidemic of our generation.” 

Sami Inkinen, Founder & CEO, Virta Health 


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  • It was with significant cynicism that I began my research into Virta Health. I mean, come on, its mission is to reverse diabetes and obesity in one billion people. In my mind, the epidemic of diabetes and obesity is intractable. All I can see is the stats on the morbidly obese tracking UP, and along with that, Type II diabetes. As a nation, we eat more and more foods that are both nutritionally lacking and addictive, and the cost to manage these conditions is astounding. That’s what makes this episode so compelling. Virta Health has demonstrated with over 100,000 patients and relationships with government and Fortune 500 clients, that this can change. Investors have piled over $300 MILLION into the company to speed its growth. A fascinating episode!

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