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Dave’s blog

From Media Darling to Shut Down

What a headline.  It makes me sad – but not depressed or troubled.

Revolar is Jackie Ros’s, first start-up.  She’s amazing!  One of the most delightful and upbeat founders I’ve interviewed, she has accomplished great things,
was celebrated in national media, and her customers love the Revolar product.

At a recent dinner bringing together five past guests of PROCO360, all having become more successful since our interview, I was struck by their genuine gratefulness that their successes outweigh their failures.  I could sense the recognition that even high-profile success can be fragile.

As a past entrepreneur I was not as successful as Jackie or those who joined me for dinner.  Still, I experienced firsthand the amazing “rock star” highs as my business took off – thriving, growing, expanding.  I also remember with great pain, the feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability when I didn’t have all the answers.  I remember the relentless fear and embarrassment, and the sleepless nights during a dramatic downturn.  I know what all that feels like because I did it, and that’s really gratifying.

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