
Author: Dave Tabor

How to Blow Your Brand with One Email – example

Subject Line: “Can you Help me?”

I received an email from a good friend.  Of course, I opened it.

My friend is a real estate agent I know to be huge-hearted, lovable, good natured and trustworthy.  This email, I sadly admit, really disappointed me.  Here’s the text:

  Do you have two minutes to help me with a problem???

I’m taking a great class right now and we’re having a competition. I need to get at least ten referrals in the next month in order to win!!!  I was just curious, who do you know from church, work, who wants to buy a home, sell a home, or invest in Real Estate that I could call today?

Thanks for taking the time to think about it!

I get it.  He’s trying something new, maybe stretching his comfort zone.  But dang it, I used to be absolutely certain that he was 100% focused on serving others.  Now he’s asking for something that’s completely about HIM.  Here’s what I wrote back to him:

  (Name), you know me well enough to know I refer when it makes sense – and I have! The (his firstname) I’m used to is all about helping others, not making an ask as part of a competition.  Sorry buddy, this makes me uncomfortable.  Stay you – that’s who people love.

We sometimes make mistakes when trying something new – successful people all make mistakes along the way.

Here’s the lesson: even when trying something new, we must be very careful to protect who we are and the reputation we’ve built in how others see us.

Do you know how your gatekeeper makes you look?

Recently I received a response from a communications director that felt like this photo.

I had invited his CEO to be a guest of the PROCO360 podcast and the snooty gist of the response was that the CEO is a very important and busy man.  His time cannot be wasted, so I must first convince the gatekeeper of the merit of my invitation.  Only then might my request be added to many from the throngs of admirers.

PROCO360 is a labor of love.  I take satisfaction in NOT interviewing jerks which this CEO must be, so I sent a reply to the communications director that his CEO would not be a fit.

I later met the CEO who is a lover of Colorado and Colorado business, and he’s a nice guy.  We were having a great conversation and the PROCO360 show came up.  He said he loves the mission and he’d like to be a guest on the show.  I said, “that’s interesting – I’d ruled you OUT.”  As you’d expect, that made him curious, then profoundly apologetic.  We worked things out and he’ll be on the podcast.

Do you know how your gatekeeper is making you look?

Meet Pat.

Meet Pat.  He is braver than I am, and he’s having more fun.

We all know we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously and I think most of us dream of being less inhibited.

I met Pat at Hopp’s Auto Body and when I did, I asked him, “tell me about your hair.”  As it turns out, his mother-in-law said he’d never have a mohawk, so just to be a sport, he did, and he changes the paint color for variety.  Why?  “It’s just for fun.”

As a long-ago mascot for the Denver Broncos, I felt comfortable acting crazy because I was anonymous.  It was a blast!  In person I’m way more inhibited.  I wish I were as brave as Pat when it comes to living large by having fun and laughing at myself.  Pat’s a great reminder to work on that.  How about you?

Up Close and Personal with Patriotism, Millennials

Until really recently, I could not relate to the men and women of the military – until they retired and got into business.  Of course, I’d always clap when members of the service were announced, clapping for the vague notion that these people are protecting America, protecting us.  Really though, it’s been hard to relate because I never served, I don’t understand what it’s like to be in the military, and I don’t know why we engage in the wars we do.  When I’d say the Pledge, it felt hokey.

Recently that changed. My son became 2nd Lieutenant Tabor in the U.S. Air Force.  This was entirely his idea.  He wants to serve his country and he wants to learn lessons of leadership within a disciplined group with a common pursuit.

The young Millennials are often maligned as thoughtless and privileged.  It seems to me that helping them find meaning, and supporting them when they do, builds stronger organizations and communities.

At Dan’s commissioning (becoming an officer), I said the Pledge of Allegiance and meant it for the first time in a long time.

Part 2, My Decision: Lying to Strangers to Protect Someone I Hardly Know

In Part 1 of this scenario, I ended the post saying that I’ll quit stalling and share my decision with you in my next post.  Thanks to those who offered advice!  Your views were split and I’m still deciding what to do as I type.

I wonder if my reluctance to give a poor review to the contractor I terminated is that I wonder if the problems were partly communications, not his abilities.  My gut says, “no,” he really wasn’t on his game for my job and I owe it to others to be honest.  I also want to be kind. So, here’s my actual review.

By the way, this whole process has opened my eyes to the phase, “not yet reviewed,” beside completed jobs.  I suspect in some circumstances this may be a client’s way to avoid the unpleasantness of a bad review – not necessarily, just something I’ll factor in.  My request: DO write reviews – you’re helping others, particularly the BEST performers who deserve to rise to the top… like Monica, the wonderful resource who helps me prepare and deliver these emails!

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