Six months ago as vaccines were in early trials, many people were rebelliously saying, “I’m not going to take a new vaccine!” I’m struck by how the citizens of Israel accept that getting a vaccination is what needs to be done to get on with life for the good of the country and their fellow citizens. I wish that attitude were more universal in Colorado.

people waiting in line for vaccine concept
Still, I always suspected that for many who vowed not to take the vaccine, it would just be a matter of time before the weariness of being susceptible to COVID, the desire to be with family and friends, and a possible requirement to show proof of vaccination to get on a plane or attend a concert would outweigh dogmatic rejection. That’s happened – as many of us are clamoring to be next to roll up our sleeve, it bugs me that for some in line the rejection of science was only overcome by the desire for a more active and convenient life.