Trust Drives Colorado’s Entrepreneurial Progress
I got to thinking about TRUST following my interview with co-founders Jenn Knight and Niji Sabharwal of AgentSync. Jenn said that because they are spouses, they have an existing level of deep trust, which allows each to more readily accept the other’s judgement, facilitates candid dialogue, and ultimately allows the company to move more quickly. This is consistent with the theme of the book titled, The Speed of Trust.
Time and again I hear from entrepreneurs and founders that the spirit of collaboration has helped them succeed in Colorado. Colin McIntosh of Sheets & Giggles (episode), talked about how Chris White, founder of Shinesty, helped him to initially establish Sheets & Giggles’ shipping from the Shinesty facilities. That kind of collaboration can’t happen without trust – Colin trusting that Chris wouldn’t try to somehow take Colin’s products or customers, and Chris that teaching Colin the shipping ropes and helping him get started would somehow, oh, I don’t know, build Karma in exchange for their effort. It seems to me that TRUST is a core value in Colorado’s entrepreneurial community, and it’s one that is universally rewarding.